Saturday, January 7, 2012

Happy New Year Everyone!

Continuing Our Travels After the Holiday Break

     Happy New Year!  We had a terrific Christmas at home and are now excited for 2012.

     We have just moved from our three bedroom condo where we stayed during the holidays to a travel trailer, in preparation for our trip across America, continued from Texas. This trip, I want to go to thirteen states, and then we plan to fly over to China. This is very exciting for me and my family.  This year, to better prepare, we did fundraising where I was able to sell birdhouses.  Between my summer job and selling birdhouses, I have set aside $500.  My mother also applied for travel grants, which are supporting the cost of gas.  My mother will be working in China, which will pay for the travel in China. As for the time on the road in the USA, my mother has a new lead on a job she hopes to land, which is as an online writer on tax articles (taxes are those things adults pay the government for different reasons).

     We plan to go to Disney World, and Disney World is much, much, bigger than Disneyland. Here is a fact: From Florida, you can see Cuba, if the weather is clear.  I have always wanted to go to Florida because I have been to Disneyland and I would love to see Disney World.

     Living in a travel trailer is much different than living in a house!  First, it is much smaller, and second, you do not have as much room as a house or condo. Travel trailers still have the same things as condos or homes:  kitchens, bathrooms, living rooms, dining space and bedrooms.  Thirdly, if your tanks fill up, you need to empty them. Tanks are holding storage for used water from the sinks and bathroom.  We lived in a trailer before this one came along, so we're used to it. But the old trailer didn't have a bathroom - just a port-a-potty with a curtain!  The old trailer was also only ten feet long.  So, we have much more space for things like our toys and Wii.  Our trailer is 30ft long, and it is very comfortable.  But the old small trailer had two bedrooms and now we only have one so my new bed is the sofa!  In a trailer, it gets cold at night so we have a heater that we run.  Here's our new temporary home.

I'm looking forward to sharing more information about our future travels.  In the meantime, enjoy the New Year!