Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Driving From Phoenix, Arizona to Santa Monica, California

Back In California!

      We have officially arrived in California. We took I-10 from Phoenix, Arizona all all the way to Santa Monica, California.  First, we made it in five hours to L.A and then we drove west to Santa Monica.  When we arrived in Santa Monica, we saw that the state park we were planning to go to was closed so we had to find another place to car camp.

       Santa Monica is a beach community, consisting of 90,377 people, and it is the place where the original Route 66 ends. When we visited Santa Monica, we went to Starbucks in the morning, (My mom's favorite place to get online.)

     We then went to Santa Monica State Beach after parking and paying for a meter, which goes up to five hours, and then we went to the beach, which is a beautiful beach with warm showers. We swam there for a approximately two hours, and then we went to the Santa Monica pier - where there are rides, food stands, and coin tosses. My sister and I went on the roller coaster there, and then we saw our photo of us.  I was laughing in the photo, and my sister was freaking out. She said that they caught her "private moments," a phrase she totally made up one day.

     We also played a game where you have to squeeze the trigger of a gun to shoot water into the hole of a rising object with a hole in it (Hello Kitty sat on top of this thing), and I lost the first time, but won the second time. I won a big dark snake, who I named Sharkey. We then realized that the time on the meter was going to expire, so we bought something at the souvenir shop there, got a picture of me and my sisters underneath the Route 66 sign, and walked back to the van, which I call "Mecur", because it is missing the y in Mercury insignia on the back of the vehicle.

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