Monday, September 18, 2017

It Was a Heck of a Summer Trip!

Here are some favorite pictures of our summer travels from Texas to Mexico to Canada back to Texas... whew!

Mexico - Surfing and eating large quantities of seafood in Ensenada

Santa Cruz, California - Boogie Boarding by the Santa Cruz Boardwalk!

British Columbia, Canada - Seaplane tour of Vancouver

Santa Rosa, California - Solina was the narrator in "The Tempest" (children's adapted play)

Follow Solina on Instagram: @solina.galo

Washington State - Taking a second look at Mount St. Helen's Volcano. The last time were were here was about 5 years ago!

Oregon - There are so many coastal areas to explore. This was just one of many we stopped at. But we left town before they were overrun with tourists wanting to see the eclipse.

Colorado - We traveled across this lovely state on our way home to Texas.

We stopped unexpectedly at a water fall a local told us about. This is Cristiana on the hike to the falls.

 We made it to the falls!

Texas - Home Sweet Home! We live just north of Dallas (pictured).... There's no place like home!

This post by Li Galo

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