Saturday, May 21, 2011

Camping at Lake Mendocino

I have been offline for a few days because we were out of internet range, out fishing for trout and crappy fish on the lake.  I will be out of range again most of this week but please check in next weekend for an update on our outdoor adventures!

We camped at Lake Mendocino all last week. We  had a great time there. When we first got there, we set up and I had a "fist fight" with the tent, meaning that the tent was difficult to set up. We had hot dogs for dinner that night. We went into the tent and we told stories until Mama said that it was time to go to sleep. What I liked about camping at Lake Mendocino is when we went fishing on our last day. We were just putting our things into the car when we stumbled upon a lizard that did not want to leave the car. It was on Mama's seat and didn't want to leave.  We had to shoo it out of the car.  The picture above is a picture of that lizard outside of the car on a stump.

I am also working on attaining some merit badges in Boy Scouts.  Some of the requirements include that I must set up and break down the tent alone, pack my gear alone, including rolling up my sleeping bag.  That's isn't as easy as it looks!  I'm about 95% of the way towards my goals but still working on taming the tent!

I have some pictures of us fishing above and when we were fishing, we saw a fish jump up at the insects and we tried to catch  the fish but we failed. I wanted to stay longer, but we had to leave. We left in the morning. For breakfast, we went to Denny's. My sister had all you can eat pancakes and my other sister had the Track and Cheese meal. I had the Zesty Nachos and I ordered them without jalapeños.

This week, we are camping in Indian Valley and trying to hook the big one!

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